Vulnerability according to Brené Brown

Last Friday, looking for what to watch on Netflix, I came across a documentary entitled "Brené Brown, the call to courage". 

For those who don't know Brené Brown, she is a writer and academic from the United States who has dedicated herself to study topics such as courage, shame, empathy and above all vulnerability, a great topic that made her a Best Seller with the book "the power of being vulnerable".

Watching the documentary I took some notes, and I realized that it could be an interesting topic for the blog. 

I will try to explain clearly and precisely, and in a few words, what struck me about the documentary. 

Vulnerability is not synonymous with weakness.

On the contrary, when we accept that we are weak and that it is part of who we are, we are accepting that we are vulnerable.

But since vulnerability is related to sadness, fear, shame and disappointment, it is hard not to see it as a weakness.

Vulnerability is sharing emotions, ideas and opinions, exchanging them in a respectful way to grow in friendship, trust and greater involvement with each other, whether at work, at university, with friends or family.

Many times it has happened to us that for fear of criticism or rejection we do not share our ideas, and according to Brené Brown, this action closes the opportunity to make known who we are, our talents and gifts. 

Being vulnerable helps a lot to exploit our creativity and our talents, because when we take the decision to risk criticism, we grow and potentiate our capabilities.

Brené Brown talks a lot about the importance of being honest with yourself and with others, of not being afraid to expose your weaknesses and to ask for help when you need it. 

Don't be afraid to embrace your imperfections and give people a chance to see who you really are.

Accepting our imperfections helps us to see our potentialities more clearly and therefore to make use of them.

Don't compare yourself and be yourself, be authentic.

Learn to be grateful and appreciate what you already have.

To be vulnerable is to get out of the comfort zone and take the risk of failure, because when you have taken the decision to take the risk, you did it with the awareness that you can fail and nothing happens. You will try again with more strength and with more wisdom and security, because we have given ourselves the opportunity to grow and to know you better. 

I recommend you watch the documentary on Netflix and if you are interested in more about the subject, without a doubt buy the book, I will surely compare it to know more and better about vulnerability. 


Learning to say NO


Woman, embrace all that you are